Wirklich seltsam, man geht abends ins Bett und alles ist \"cool\" und wacht dann morgens auf und die Welt ist nicht mehr so wie vorher.
Endlich hast Du es geschafft, die Qualen haben ein Ende. Wir sehen uns wieder, ich weiss das und ich glaube daran das es Dir jetzt besser geht. Dein Dich liebender Enkel.
I remember my mother when she was dying. Looked all shrunk up and grey I asked her if she was afraid, she just shook her head. I was afraid to touch the death I seen in her. I couldn�t find nothing beautiful or uplifting about her going back to God. I heard people talk about immortality, but ain�t seen it
I wondered how it�d be when I died. What it�d be like to know that this breath now Was the last one you was ever gonna draw. I just hope I can meet it the same way she did. With the same� calm. Cause that�s where It�s hidden! The immortality I haven�t seen.
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