26 Jul 2002

Think Geek? ;)

\“Tired of waking up and having to wait for your morning java to brew? Are you one of those groggy early morning types that just needs that extra kick? Know any programmers who dont regularly bathe and need some special motivation? Introducing Shower Shock, the caffeinated soap from ThinkGeek…
06 Jul 2002


Check out the museum of horror: Legodeath.com ;)
04 Jul 2002


Neue Platte, Neue Tour – was fehlt da noch? Exakt! Ein neues Design der Onkelz-Homepage. Dieser ´dreckige´ Stil gefällt mir wirklich gut… hat was!
30 Jun 2002

New Coke – New Design ;)

Coca-Cola comes with a new flavor: Vanilla. First only in the U.S., later this year in Germany and Europe. By the way, the german website has been updated too.
27 Jun 2002

Winamp 3 Release Candidate Sneak Prepublish

Winamp 3 is near, folks. Nullsoft released a MAD Magazine Sneak preview of Winamp 3, the next generation media player. Ready to de-install the Windows Media Player ;)? But: \“This is a release candidate which may still contain a few bugs, we recommend that you install Winamp3 in it\’s own folder rather than overwrite the Winamp 2.x installation that you currently have. If you have a previous version of Winamp3 you should uninstall and do a fresh install.\“
25 Jun 2002

Matrox Parhelia Vorabtest

Auf Hartware.de sind die ersten Benchmarkergebnisse der Matrox Parhelia veröffentlicht worden. Die Ergebnisse sind überraschend…
21 Jun 2002

Sachen gibts…

… die gibts eigentlich gar nicht. Übrigens, braucht jemand von euch ein U-Boot? Ich habe da nämlich ein ganz \“günstiges\“ gefunden… :-P
20 Jun 2002

Russian Roulette

You are frustrated? You can´t find any fulfillment in your career? You need a new kick? A life on the edge? Then spin the revolver and pull the trigger!
18 Jun 2002

Schlachter-Clan steigt aus der LAN-Szene aus!

„Irgendwann reichts!“ Genau das dachte sich auch die kultige Truppe der Schlachter, die durch ihre legend�ren LAN-Party Reviews Kultstatus in der Szene erlangten. Mehr Infos, Hintergr�nde und das 650MB gro�e Abschiedsvideo gibt es auf der Homepage. Macht�s gut Jungs, und haltet die Ohren steif! :)
07 Jun 2002

New AG Satellite Version

Audiogalaxy released a new Version of the beloved Satellite. But don´t update premature! The Audiogalaxy Satellite is unfortunately ad-supported software. It is part of the Gator Advertising and Information Network (GAIN), \“which helps keep software free by delivering messages based on the sites you view.\“ Bite me, AG :-P
06 Jun 2002

Giga Update 4.0

Take a look at the new design on Giga.de!
04 Jun 2002

Freakstars 3000

Freakstars 3000
04 Jun 2002

Lots of games for you …

Take a look at Makaimedia.com and have fun :)
30 Mai 2002

Jackass – The Movie

Hehehehehehehe… Dudes.. it is coming, and no one can hold it up: Jackass – The Movie With all the guys we love: Knoxville, Wee-Man, Preston Lacy, Steve-O, Pontius, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Raab himself etc.etc. Check out the Trailer – you will laugh your ass off :)
28 Mai 2002

Nice Design, v e r y strange content!

Check out bumfights.com, and expect everything!!